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Newborn Baby

Who continued to work during 9/11

Msgr Philip Reilly relates his witness of 9/11. He was praying as usual outside of an Abortion Mill in Brooklyn. He saw the carnage unfolding across the middle of the Hudson Bay.  He wanted to depart to help but the "killing" of the unborn continued. It was only later at midnight when he made "Ground Zero". Listen to the profound analogy he makes at the scene.

Ground Zero - Msr Philip Reilly
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Baby's Grasp

Fr George speaks of the Helpers' early days

On the Feast of the Rosary, October 1989, Msgr. started the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, whose goal is not only to offer help to women coming to the abortion mills, but also to maintain a prayerful presence, large and small, at these sites to pray for the conversion of hearts. Father George M. Roth relates his experience with the Helper's in those first days of formation.

First Helper's - Fr George M. Roth
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the injustice of buffer zones 

The Helpers of God's Precious Infants members - and supporters of other pro-life groups - stand up for unborn children in many ways. One of the great successes in recent years has been the witness given by pro-life groups across the country through peaceful vigil outside abortion clinics. There are children today who owe their very lives to the courage of these volunteers, standing out in all weathers and sometimes facing abuse from members of the public or even from officials.


defeating abortion through prayer

Good Counsel Network interview with Prayer is the cornerstone of the center's pro-life work. Clare McCullough, Eddie Bauer, Iulia Costea, and Justyna Pasek make an appearance.  Filmed on location in London, U.K. Great witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Lord of Life.  Just one person standing outside an abortion facility whose heart is with a mother and her unborn child can mean a life saved and a mother who will not suffer a life of regret.  

Tiny Feet

Mothers' Stories Time to Listen

One young woman came to us recently after going into hospital 3 times to have her baby aborted. Each time she would spend the day dreading the thought of what was before her. She would deliberately arrive 2 or 3 hours late at the hospital desperately hoping that her appointment would be cancelled. She would be prepared for the operation in a state of total panic. She would even come out in a nervous rash.Like so many other women she was totally confused and without moral support when she discovered that she was pregnant. All but one of the medical personnel that she spoke to put forward abortion as the only solution. The hospital counsellor seemed to be trying to ‘sell’ the abortion to her, portraying motherhood as a silly romanticised notion.

Somehow, each time this woman found the strength to walk out at the last moment (once, literally seconds before being anaesthetised). Each time, the hospital staff ‘kindly’ booked another date for her abortion to go ahead. Finally, through the efforts of a good Christian soul, Good Counsel was put in touch with her. After having a chat with us (We spoke for 8 hours and she said “Nobody else had the time to listen”) she is delighted to be keeping her baby, which is what she was crying out to do all along! With the help of your prayers and donations we will help her through and beyond her pregnancy.

Baby's Clutch


Just to delight you on the fruitful result of our prayerful vigil on May 21, 2016 at Woodford Buckhurst Hill.  On that day, Fr. Jacob and his colleagues - the Friars led the vigil prayer while Sisters Ruth and Chinedum, Holy Family Sisters of the Needy, did the counselling.  The good news is that we made a friendly approach to a young lady who has the same first name with one of the Sisters.  And this has played significant role in the life of this young lady.  Also the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as well played an important role in the change of mind of this lady.  When she approached one of us, she asked for her name – ‘Ruth’ said the Sister and the young lady stopped speechless and then said ‘my name is Ruth too!’  She took a leaflet after a long chat and said, "But I have to go."  Hence, before she left, she asked, ‘who is that image there?’  And ‘who were those people there too?’  She exchanged numbers with Sister and she went into the clinic.


According to her narrative, as she was inside the abortion clinic, something was pushing her to get out of there.  Then she said to her girlfriend that those people out there had a powerful force that was affecting her. Then once it was her turn to go in for the procedure, she took her handbag and asked her girlfriend that they should leave the place but her friend started shedding tears and tried to convince her to do it.  But she opened the door and made her way out. We had gone then and she contacted us on her mobile phone and since then we have been following her up.  She gave birth on the 16th of December and we visited her on the 20th of December.  So now we have ‘Angel-Ruth’- the baby, ‘Ruth’- her mum, ‘Ruth’- the Sister!  I gave her Ruth-Emanuella since she was born towards Christmas period.  With God all things are possible. 


And now listen to Ruth’s own words !!!

Hello my name is Ruth, I'm 28 years old and I'm a mother of three beautiful babies, Malachi who is 7 years old, Michaela 3 years old and my very own Malaycha-Ruth (which stands for Angel-Ruth) who is now over 2 years old.

I'm so grateful for their lives, most especially that of baby Ruth. She is truly a miracle.  When I got pregnant with her, I had a 7month old baby and I was a single mother of two. So I got really scared and thought there is no way I can go through with the pregnancy so I made and appointment at the abortion clinic. 


A good friend of mine, Anne, went with me to the appointment, and as we were parking up, we saw a lot of Christians praying outside the clinic. I remember telling my friend to look down and not say a word to them. As we walked up, I met one of the Sisters and by the grace of God I stopped first. We talked for a while.  She encouraged me and when she finally asked what my name was, I told her Ruth, and amazingly her name was Sister Ruth too! Although she was sympathetic and encouraging, I was still very scared and still thought I just couldn't go through with it. 


So I told her I had to go inside before I missed my appointment, but before I left she gave me her number and encouraged me to call her no matter what. By that time my mind was starting to change. I entered and started the abortion process but still the Sister’s words were ringing through my ears. I sat there waiting for my turn to go to the termination room. The more I sat the more I realised I didn't belong there. In an instant I got up and left the place. 

Immediately I called Sister Ruth and she, along with other Sisters was so happy about the great news. But still I thought how am  I going to do this alone. Then I realised I wasn't alone. I had the most  High and He appointed His beautiful angels to save my baby’s life.  And if He can do that then surely He would look after me. 


I'm so grateful to Sister Ruth and Sister Chinedum because they have been there for me and my children. Everything we need in terms of clothing and food and  money they are always there.  I have never seen people like these.  I also thank all the sisters and brothers that pray outside the abortion clinic.  They do a great job.  May God bless them. 

I went through the pregnancy with no sickness and no disturbances, and in the end I had a beautiful baby girl, more beautiful than I can ever imagine. Of course I named her after the lady who saved her life. 


I shed tears when I think about the goodness of these wonderful Sisters. I just don't know what to say or what to give them.  I just pray for blessings and happiness for them.  Every time I look at my daughter I can't believe I was so weak and I was willing to sacrifice her life because I wanted to make mine easier. I encourage anyone going through the same situation I went through, to trust the Lord, He has a plan for each and every person.   And He knows that baby before it was in the mother’s belly. I believe He will help you through just like He did me. 


Beautiful Landscape
Contact Helpers

Suite 13, 17 Holywell Hill
St Albans, Herts
United Kingdom
T: 01727 763832

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