Become a Spiritual Supporter
There are some people who want to be present at the abortion centre but are physically unable to come. These Spiritual Supporters are present with the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants in spirit. They contribute prayers and sacrifices made during the week and offer it up for the work of The Helpers.
Some of the Spiritual Supporters are small children who are still in school. They make small sacrifices, such as giving up one night of television. They pray the Prayer Card of the Precious Infants for the work of those who go out to the places where the babies are being aborted.
Other Spiritual Helpers are “housebound” or terminally ill patients in hospitals, who offer their sufferings and the pains of their condition to God for the purposes and intentions of the Helpers and everyone involved. There are also religious communities, called to a life of contemplation and prayer, providing powerful spiritual backup.

Contact Helpers
Suite 13, 17 Holywell Hill
St Albans, Herts
United Kingdom
T: 01727 763832