Maidstone Vigil
Event Details
Date: Friday February 21, 2020 10:30 am – 01:00 pm
St. Francis Church, Grove House, 126 Week St, Maidstone ME14 1RH
MarieStopesabortionfacility, BrewerStreet, Maidstone, Kent. ME14 1RV

10:30am Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at St. Francis Church
11:00 am Prayerful and peaceful procession to Marie Stopes abortion centre processing with image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Holy Rosary, prayers and hymns.
01:00 pm Return procession with prayers and Hymns and Break for refreshments.
Directions: SouthEastern trains runs a direct line from Victoria to Maidstone East Station, which is directly opposite St. Francis Church.By Road: The M20 – come off at Junction 6. Follow signs to Town Centre then to Maidstone East Station. There is a car park at thestation and also 2 car parks in Brewer Street and 1 in Wheeler Street, both of which are accessed by Lower Boxley Well Road. Theshaded areas on the map are pedestrian areas only
Please join us, you really do make all the difference. And please try to bring someone with you. For those of you who are unable to join the procession, please be with us spiritually.
For further information contact us
Local Co-ordinator: Tim Morris
Mobile: 01303770797
Contact Helpers
Suite 13, 17 Holywell Hill
St Albans, Herts
United Kingdom
T: 01727 763832
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The Good Counsel Network
Rachel's Vineyard
40 Days for Life
UK March for Life
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